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Radiology (X-rays)


Radiology (x-rays) is routinely used to provide valuable information about a pet’s bones, gastrointestinal tract (stomach, intestines, colon), respiratory tract (lungs), heart, and genitourinary system (bladder, prostate). It can be…

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Cardiology (Heart)


Although heart problems are found more often in older pets, these conditions can affect pets at any age. Heart disease is usually a life-threatening condition, but early diagnosis and appropriate…

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Ultrasound is an additional diagnostic imaging procedure to help further evaluate soft tissue organs. Unlike x-rays, ultrasound can better visualize the internal architecture of a diseased organ. When an ultrasound…

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Endocrinology (Hormones)


Identifying endocrine problems as early as possible is important in dogs and cats. These serious, potentially life-threatening conditions are much more manageable when caught early, allowing us to begin proper…

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